I can’t even begin to say how I feel after the 11 screenings and Q&As of Tapestry of Colours. Just back after the last one, in Strabane. To see Sin Fein, SDLP, DUP Councillors and PSNI representatives and other people, having watched my films Living in the Half Light and then Tapestry of Colours, and all moved by the films and totally sharing the same views on what they saw, the personal stories and the way the films were made and openly and warmly, without the least bit of friction, mistrust or criticism, discussing the implications and what they have learnt, and then all of them and the rest of the audience, without exception mesmerised and cheering and applauding the amazing performances by two incredibly talented musicians who feature on Tapestry of Colours, William Dundon, who happens to be a traveller and Fergal O’Brien…and showing me and my work appreciation you can only dream of…makes all the months of blood, sweat and tears to make the film and to bring it to this point of engagement worth while…it’s all truly truly humbling…You have to live in Northern Ireland to realise how significant and unbelievable all this is…