Developing a new body of work (7/4/2014) - It was a total delight today to work with a fantastic dancer on a new body of work. Photography, moving image and dance, one of those times when everything goes so smoothly and magic happens! I’m very excited! Can’t wait to start working on the images I produced today and see how things develop.
Meetings with government officials about the Tapestry of Colours Edcuation Programme (6/19/2014) - It's been an extraordinary couple of weeks. I've had 5 meetings in the Northern Ireland Parliament Buildings already!
Meetings with NI Children & Young People’s Commissioner & Minister’s representative (6/9/2014) - Amazingly positive responses last week from Patricia Lewsely, the NI Children and Young People's Commissioner,

Second screening of Tapestry of Colours in USA in Washington DC (11/26/2013) - Very happy to have the 2nd US screening of Tapestry of Colours, on Saturday 7 December 2013, in the Capital Irish Film Festival in Washington DC at Goethe Institut Check out the Capital Irish Film Festival site
Development finally starts on the Tapestry of Colours Online Educational Resource (10/31/2013) - After a year of working on this, I am absolutely delighted to finally be able to start developing the Tapestry of Colours Online Educational Resource, thanks to DCAL and Northern Ireland Screen. Got an amazing team in place. And we’ll have a pilot programme with a number of schools and youth groups before launching it […]

Brilliant panel discussion at Belfast Media Festival (9/14/2013) - This was such an interesting session to be in with other panel members are Susan Lovell, Head of Commissioning, BBC NI, Suzie Wright, Media Project Manager, Channel 4, Channel 4 and Joyce Adeluwoye-Adams, Head of Diversity, PACT and Kate O’Connor, Deputy Chief Executive, Creative Skillset. Great to start the session with the trailer of my […]

My Culture TECH Festival blog (8/29/2013) - Things are nicely hotting up for the Culture Tech screening on 12 September, 7pm. The venue has had to be changed to the Nerve Centre in Derry but all set to be a nice lead to the panel session at the Belfast Media Festival the next morning. Only too happy to write a blog for […]

After 11 more screenings of Tapestry of Colours in a row…. (5/27/2013) - I can't even begin to say how I feel after the 11 screenings and Q&As of Tapestry of Colours. After 11 more screenings in a row....